Native Issues Forums
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More than 800 students in grades 1–6 from across Alaska will gather this weekend in the spirit of sportsmanship to compete in traditional Alaska Native contests during the 2017 Junior NYO Games (JNYO) Feb. 24–26 at the Wells Fargo Sports Complex on the UAA campus in Anchorage. NYO is a year-round program having a quantifiably […]
Native American activists and environmentalists say they’ll fight President Donald Trump, who Tuesday signed executive orders which allow the construction of the controversial Keystone XL and Dakota Access (DAPL) oil pipelines stalled by President Barack Obama in 2015. “These actions by President Trump are insane and extreme, and nothing short of attacks on our ancestral […]
Glennallen, Alaska – Ahtna, Inc. announced this week that its wholly-owned subsidiary, Tolsona Oil & Gas Exploration LLC, successfully completed the drilling of gas exploration well Tolsona No. 1 on December 5, 2016. The drilling rig has since been released, and demobilization is scheduled to take place this coming week, Ahtna, Inc said. The well, located just […]