The trooper dispatch revealed the identities of the officers involved in the shooting incident that took place early Sunday morning. In that incident, suspect, Almando Abarca, was wounded in the shoulder after a car chase and exchange of gunfire. The officers were identified as Trooper Christopher Havens and Palmer Police Department officer Antonio Aldesperger. On Sunday morning, […]
Initial reports of a shooting in Chevak is being reported by the trooper dispatch this morning. According to troopers, at 8:15 pm on Wednesday night, they received a report that 24-year-old Harold Paniyak, pulled a weapon and shot the Village Police Officer, 40-year-old Derrick McDonald, in that community. Troopers say that the VPO was medevaced […]
A former San Mateo police officer has been arrested and jailed with his bail set at $3.1 million after an investigation into allegations that he kidnapped, raped and threatened women while he was on duty as a police officer. The investigation yielded 22 counts against the officer. 31-year-old Noah W. Winchester, it is alleged, would, […]
An Anchorage man narrowly escaped death in a car fire on Middlerock Road on Sunday afternoon as citizens and an Anchorage Police Officer freed him from the wreck in the nick of time. Officer Veenstra was the first officer on the scene after a report was called in to Anchorage Police at 4 pm on […]