An Iranian oil tanker at the center of a major diplomatic dispute with the United States has sold its cargo, Iran said. “The Adrian Darya oil tanker finally docked on the Mediterranean coast … and unloaded its cargo,” Iran’s state news agency IRNA quoted Foreign Ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi as saying on Sunday. He didn’t […]
(ANCHORAGE, Alaska; Aug. 27, 2019) – Crowley Fuels has signed construction contracts to build a 55,000-barrel, articulated tug-barge (ATB) that is specifically designed to serve the Western Alaska market with delivery of clean fuel products. The 410-foot ATB will have enhanced performance features for the demanding river and sea conditions of Western Alaska, an […]
The BLM seeks input on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed Willow Master Development Plan potentially furthering development of the National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska ANCHORAGE, Alaska — To support increased production of Alaskan energy resources and achieving energy dominance, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is seeking public input on the […]
Chickadees are interested in scents. That’s the news from a study out of Lehigh University, the first to document naturally hybridizing songbirds’ preference for the smell of their own species. Amber Rice, an evolutionary biologist at Lehigh, studies hybridization — when separate species come into contact and mate — to better understand how species originate […]