JUNEAU—Governor Bill Walker Thursday stated his support of two recent announcements on Arctic offshore oil and gas exploration. On Tues., March 31, the U.S. Department of Interior issued a Record of Decisionaffirming Chukchi Sea OCS Oil and Gas Lease Sale 193 and the remaining oil and gas leases issued in 2008 as a result of […]
KODIAK, Alaska — The Coast Guard is monitoring a reported diesel sheen from the grounded 81-foot fishing vessel Savannah Ray off Long Island near Kodiak, Alaska, Friday. Global Diving and Salvage has been hired to salvage the vessel, and Marine Safety Detachement Kodiak personnel will oversee the salvage operations to mitigate potential pollution. Coast Guard Sector […]
Even while opening up areas of the Atlantic in areas that included off-shore Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, to off-shore drilling for oil, President Obama revealed his plan to to propose 9.8 million acres off-limits to to consideration for off-shore development in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. His announcement drew quick reaction and […]
Although the crisis in Ukraine continues to focus attention on Russia’s western border, Moscow is seeking to exploit a more lucrative prize along its vast northern frontage: the Arctic Circle. Melting ice has opened up new transit routes and revealed previously inaccessible oil and mineral deposits. Facing a year of harsh economic constraints, securing exploitable […]