Troopers on patrol reveal that they encountered an unruly driver in the Palmer area following a REDDI call-in on Monday evening. Following a call reporting a dangerous driver south of Palmer at 5:51 pm, troopers observed a vehicle running a steady red light at the intersection of evergreen and the Glenn Highway, then speed off […]
UPDATE: Ultimately, Johnson would plead guilty to a single count of possession in December of 2017. UPDATE: Following the issuance of an extraditable warrant from the Palmer District Attorney’s office, Johnson was apprehended at a residence in Lauderhill. Broward County, Florida. Extradition plans are now underway. ORIGINAL STORY: Alaska State Troopers in Palmer revealed on Friday […]
On Wednesday morning, troopers responded to a two-vehicle accident that occurred between a Ford F650 MTR tow truck and a 2012 Ford F150 on the Palmer-Wasilla Highway in front of Diversified Tire, in which one vehicle was reported to be on fire, the trooper dispatch reported on Thursday. Troopers and medics responded to the scene […]
On New Years afternoon, troopers attempted to pull over a 2006 GMC Sierra pickup in Palmer on an equipment violation, but instead of stopping, the vehicle took troopers on a chase. When attempting the traffic stop at 2:24 pm, the vehicle “failed to yield as he recklessly eluded Alaska State Troopers,” the trooper dispatch reports. […]