Contract Awarded for New Polar Security Cutter Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski, Dan Sullivan, and Congressman Don Young, all R-Alaska, today welcomed the announcement from the Department of Defense Contracting Office that VT Halter Marine Inc., Pascagoula, Mississippi, has been awarded the contract to build the nation’s first new heavy Polar Security […]
[dropcap]M[/dropcap]aking the Arctic accessible for excellent science EU funds an Arctic Research Icebreaker Consortium, which will provide researchers with improved access to research icebreakers. Fourteen partners from thirteen countries including two North American partners from USA and Canada have joint forces to improve the capacities for marine-based research in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean. In the […]
[dropcap]P[/dropcap]alo Alto, CA– New research, led by former Carnegie postdoctoral fellow Summer Praetorius, shows that changes in the heat flow of the northern Pacific Ocean may have a larger effect on the Arctic climate than previously thought. The findings are published in the August 7, 2018, issue of Nature Communications. The Arctic is experiencing larger […]
On Tuesday, Nov. 7, experts from NOAA will discuss how information from JPSS-1, the first in a series of four advanced NOAA polar-orbiting satellites called the Joint Polar Satellite System, will be used by scientists to help improve weather and natural hazard forecasts in Alaska. The instruments aboard the new satellite will provide more than […]