JUNEAU – A bill was introduced in the Alaska Senate this week to give Alaskans the option of donating all or a portion of their Permanent Fund dividends (PFDs) directly to the state’s general fund. “Many Alaskans have told me they wouldn’t mind giving up a portion of their dividends to pay for state […]
Venetie, AK– On April 25 tribal leaders from Fort Yukon, Venetie, and Arctic Village gathered to confirm their opposition to oil and gas development on the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. During this day-long meeting tribal members and leaders stood up and spoke out on how extremely important it is for the Gwich’in […]
The Bering Sea Elders Group came out in opposition of Trump’s decision to open wide swaths of Alaska’s Outer Continental Shelf to leasing on Friday. The group pointed out that the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) had promised the group that it would meaningfully consult them on any proposed drilling in the […]
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The proposed Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) schedule for the summer 2016 season, which runs May through September, is now available for public review and comment. The proposed schedule can be accessed through a link on the homepage at FerryAlaska.com or directly through the following address: https://www.dot.state.ak.us/amhs/share/schedule/considerations.pdf. All state agencies, including the […]