(Anchorage, AK) – Today, Gallup released a new poll showing that America’s uninsured rate jumped during Trump’s first year in office for the first time in a decade. “Today, Gallup confirmed that over 3 million Americans lost their insurance in 2017,” said Amber Lee, Protect Our Care Communications Coordinator. “Throughout the year, Trump has attempted […]
Despite another failed attempt to deliver on a seven-year Republican promise to repeal the nation’s health care law, U.S. President Donald Trump vowed Wednesday to continue to pursue a repeal, insisting Senate Republicans have enough votes that would be cast at a later time. On Twitter, Trump stressed that the numbers exist, “with one Yes […]
In a “Sweeetheart Deal” to the energy industry, the Department of Interior repealed the Consolidated Federal Oil and Gas and Federal and Indian Coal Valuation Reform Rule (Valuation Rule) put in place by the Obama administration that curtailed a practice by the industry to short-change the Federal government and Indian entities of royalty taxes owed to […]
CAPITOL HILL — Republican lawmakers expressed renewed confidence that they could overhaul America’s health care system after meeting Wednesday with President Donald Trump, who told them to cancel their August recess unless former President Barack Obama’s health care law, known as Obamacare, was dismantled. “We should not leave town unless we have a health insurance plan,” […]