[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ASHINGTON — The U.S. Justice Department will release on Thursday a redacted version of the nearly 400-page report of special counsel Robert Mueller on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. election aimed at helping Donald Trump win the presidency. In a steady drumbeat against the Mueller investigation, Trump claimed again Tuesday that he has […]
U.S. President Donald Trump claimed again Monday that he is already exonerated of wrongdoing linked to the 2016 election, even as he and the American public await the imminent release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s nearly 400-page report on Russian meddling aimed at helping him win. The U.S. leader, on Twitter, said that Mueller […]
Release appears imminent of a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s nearly 400-page report on Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, but sparring over Mueller’s conclusions is already rampant. Washington is expecting that Attorney General William Barr could disclose the report on Monday or Tuesday, much-awaited details from Mueller’s 22-month investigation […]
[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ASHINGTON — U.S. Attorney General William Barr is facing a firestorm of mostly Democratic criticism over declaring that President Donald Trump did not obstruct the Russia investigation, a move that came after Special Counsel Robert Mueller wrapped up his probe Friday without drawing a conclusion on the thorny question. Barr announced his decision Sunday in […]