“Congress has a choice—they can either extend a failed policy or create tax reform that actually works for Main Street and communities.” As the Trump administration and congressional Republicans pursue trillions of dollars in new tax giveaways for wealthy individuals and corporations, economists and pollsters this week are warning about how devastating the GOP’s plan would be […]
“We must push back hard against these next leaps down the pathway to tyranny,” said one Democratic in the House. Facing a string of judicial rulings in recent days that have struck down or at least put on hold a variety of efforts by the Trump administration that appeared to overstep its executive authority, both […]
“The bill could usher in repression on a massive scale,” one critic warned. The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives is set to vote soon on legislation that would further empower President-elect Donald Trump, who won a new term last week after fear-mongering about the so-called “enemy from within” and vowing to “root out” people he described as “radical left thugs that live […]