With assistance from Alaska Sea Grant, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council recently adopted what some are calling a groundbreaking ecosystem management plan for the Bering Sea that incorporates local and traditional knowledge. It’s the first time that local and traditional knowledge (LTK) has been formally taken into account in the regional council’s management […]
This male walrus calf was one of two that washed up dead on the beaches of Nome. Photo by Nils Hahn It’s been a busy couple of months for members of the Alaska Marine Mammal Stranding Network, including Alaska Sea Grant’s Gay Sheffield, as they respond to multiple reports of dead ice seals along the […]
The largest commercial harvest of seaweed in Alaska is taking place this month. Blue Evolution, a California-based company that cultivates, harvests and distributes Alaska-grown seaweed, is expected to haul in up to 200,000 pounds from waters near Kodiak Island within the next two weeks. Previous harvests have been a fraction of that size, but, as […]
NOAA scientist Bryan Thomas stands outside the Barrow Atmospheric Baseline Observatory. How does the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere measured at Hawai‘i’s Mauna Loa volcano over the last six decades compare with the air above Alaska? During a recent spring trip to Utqiaġvik, I had a chance to find out by visiting the […]