Arctic sea ice could disappear completely through September each summer if average global temperatures increase by as little as 2 degrees, according to a new study by the University of Cincinnati. The study by an international team of researchers was published in Nature Communications. “The target is the sensitivity of sea ice to temperature,” said Won […]
With assistance from Alaska Sea Grant, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council recently adopted what some are calling a groundbreaking ecosystem management plan for the Bering Sea that incorporates local and traditional knowledge. It’s the first time that local and traditional knowledge (LTK) has been formally taken into account in the regional council’s management […]
Despite admitted harm that the pipeline will cause, Prime Minister Trudeau prioritizes oil profits over Native people and the Salish Sea Seattle, WA —Today, the Canadian government formally approved the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion. This is the latest move since February, when a Canadian federal agency recommended approval of the Trans Mountain […]
The North American Defense Command (NORAD) revealed on Monday that Alaska-based F-22s and an E-3 Airborne Early Warning and Control System from NORAD identified then intercepted four Tupolev TU-95 bombers and two SU-35 fighters as they entered into the Alaskan Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) on Monday. Initially, two of the Russian bombers entering the […]