Kerry’s Speech Today Draws Criticism from Trump, Israel

Kerry’s Speech Today Draws Criticism from Trump, Israel

In an hour-long speech held at the State Department, John Kerry defended the decision made last week by the Obama administration to abstain from the U.N. resolution condemning the Israeli settlements. Warning that the “two-state solution” was in “serious jeopardy,” Kerry stated that the decision to abstain The vote at the U.N. “was about preserving the […]

Ash Carter Orders Pentagon to Suspend Collection Efforts Against California National Guard Members

Ash Carter Orders Pentagon to Suspend Collection Efforts Against California National Guard Members

On Wednesday, Secretary of Defense, Ash Carter ordered the Pentagon to cease attempting to collect bonuses that were issued to California National Guard soldiers who erroneously received them for re-enlistment in the Afghanistan and Iraq theaters. In a statement on Wednesday, Secretary Carter wrote “I have ordered the Defense Finance and Accounting Service to suspend all […]