Juneau – Tuesday night, over 100 Alaskans provided public testimony to the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee on the proposed Education Funding Act, one of the four pillars of the comprehensive fiscal plan put forward by the Alaska House Majority Coalition. A significant majority of those who testified spoke in favor of House Bill 115 and […]
JUNEAU – Governor Bill Walker ordered all Alaska flags be lowered today in honor of former Senate President Jan Faiks, who passed away on Monday after being diagnosed with brain cancer. Faiks served in the Alaska Senate from 1983 to 1990, and was Senate President from 1987 to 1988. Born in Long Island, New York, […]
Juneau – Monday, the Alaska House of Representatives unanimously approved Senate Bill 91 to extend the current disaster declaration for the opioid epidemic in Alaska. The bill gives Alaska’s Chief Medical Officer needed statutory authority to proceed with the planned statewide response to the opioid epidemic. “Opioid abuse is tearing apart families and endangering public […]
JUNEAU – Tuesday, the Senate State Affairs Committee passed SJR1 to the Judiciary Committee, its next committee of referral. SJR1 would allow Alaskans a vote to safeguard the Permanent Fund Dividend (PFD) in the state’s constitution. The principal or “corpus” of the fund is already constitutionally protected and cannot be spent. However, the earnings of […]