Lawmakers in South Carolina’s House of Representatives have approved a measure to remove the Civil War-era Confederate flag from the grounds of the state Capitol in Columbia. The bill passed early Thursday morning by a vote of 94-20 on its third and final reading, after more than 13 hours of contentious debate. Opponents of the […]
South Carolina’s House of Representatives is debating a bill to remove the Civil War-era Confederate flag from the state Capitol grounds, where it has flown for more than 50 years. The bill, backed by both Democrats and Republicans, was approved 36 to 3 by the state Senate on Tuesday. During Wednesday’s debate, the House rejected […]
Twin threats closed down the White House Briefing Room as well as a Senate hearing in the U.S. capitol today. It is still unknown if the two threats are connected. A call was placed by an unknown caller reporting that there was a device placed in the Homeland Security Committee offices on the third floor at […]
On Sunday, the Alaska Senate debated their own version of the state budget. This, after the House managed to come together with a compromise and release a bi-partisan budget to break the stalemate that has plagued to special session, and threatened to shut down the state government. Ignoring the House and urgings from the governor, the Senate on […]