The long-awaited and controversial report pertaining to the CIA’s Interrogation techniques following the September 2001 attack on the U.S. was released today by the Senate Intelligence Committee. The 499-page report, five years in the making, stated that the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques were much more brutal than was reported to the Senate by that agency and […]
A bill that would have ended the U.S. government’s bulk collection of Americans’ phone records was defeated in the U.S. Senate Tuesday. The Democratic-controlled Senate voted 58-42 to move the bill to a formal debate, falling two votes short of the 60 required. The bill, dubbed the U.S.A. Freedom Act, would have required the National […]
WASHINGTON—The U.S. Senate has rejected construction of a controversial pipeline to transport Canadian oil to American refineries. The $5 billion project still could be approved next year, but it faces a possible veto by President Barack Obama. The pipeline has exposed deep divisions in Congress about America’s energy future. In a nation reliant on fossil fuels, […]
ANCHORAGE — U.S. Senator Mark Begich released the following statement on the result of Alaska’s U.S. Senate election after calling to congratulate Dan Sullivan: “Alaska is a place unmatched by any other, and the opportunity to represent Alaskans and all of Alaska’s communities in the U.S. Senate has been a tremendous honor for which I […]