While Alaska and Hawaii are the only two states in the U.S. that will be able to observe even a portion of the solar eclipse that is occurring in the South Pacific today, the solar event will be less than awe-inspiring for Alaskans as we will only be able to see the eclipse if we […]
On Tuesday, March 8th, the earth will again experience the fly-by of 2013 TX68, a 100-foot in diameter asteroid discovered in 2013, when it passed by our planet that year. Once again, that asteroid is expected to pass by earth safely without posing a threat. It is estimated to pass the planet at a distance of approximately 3 […]
For the first time, scientists have observed ripples in the fabric of spacetime called gravitational waves, arriving at Earth from a cataclysmic event in the distant universe. This confirms a major prediction of Albert Einstein’s 1915 general theory of relativity and opens an unprecedented new window to the cosmos. Gravitational waves carry information about their […]
Astronomers have used the ALMA and IRAM telescopes to make the first direct measurement of the temperature of the large dust grains in the outer parts of a planet-forming disc around a young star. By applying a novel technique to observations of an object nicknamed the Flying Saucer they find that the grains are much […]