Southeast Skipper Loses Boat, Gear, Skiff in in 2017 Creek-Robbing Case

Southeast Skipper Loses Boat, Gear, Skiff in in 2017 Creek-Robbing Case

Last week in the Prince of Wales court, Southeast Alaska skipper, Curtis Demmert of Klawock, learned of his punishment for Creek Robbing 65 miles into closed waters in Coco Harbor last September.  “On December 19, 2017 Demmert pleaded guilty to Commercial Fishing During Closed Period (for “creek robbing” near a salmon spawning stream), Commercial Fishing […]

Migration Losses Caused Small Population Decline for Alaska in 2017

Migration Losses Caused Small Population Decline for Alaska in 2017

JUNEAU, Alaska—Alaska’s population decreased by 2,629 people—about one-third of 1 percent—from July 2016 to July 2017, based on population estimates released today by the Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development. Net migration—in-migration minus out-migration—accounted for a loss of 8,885 people while natural increase, or births minus deaths, added 6,256 people. This was the fifth […]