Budgets Balance with Approximately $90 Million in Surplus Without a Constitutional Budget Reserve Draw JUNEAU – The Senate Finance Committee introduced a committee substitute for the state’s operating budget Wednesday afternoon. The new committee substitute provides a permanent fund dividend consistent with a 75/25 percent of market value (POMV) split of the annual earnings, translating […]
JUNEAU – The Alaska Senate Monday voted unanimously for the smallest operating budget in 15 years, resulting in a $600 million surplus. The budget provides $4.4 billion in unrestricted general funds for agency and statewide operations – a reduction of $190 million over last year – and transfers $10.5 billion from the Permanent Fund’s […]
ANCHORAGE: After signing the two largest budgets in state history and taking Alaska from a $5 billion surplus to a $2 billion deficit, Sean Parnell is bragging about his fiscal record. In a fundraising email remarkable for its unintended irony, Parnell pats himself on the back for cutting state spending, when the state’s operating budget […]