This Day in Alaskan History-August 13th, 1915
Melt season is a sad time for people who enjoy the magic of snow crystals bonding so well to one another, resulting in a web of trails over the face of Alaska. As of this writing, however, middle Alaska is still locked in winter cold despite being bright enough to need sunglasses at both 7 […]
One year ago, in a world with the same mountains and valleys but feeling very different, we made a discovery. My wife, daughter, two neighbor kids, three dogs and I were out enjoying the freedom of crust skiing, when cold overnight temperatures freeze a melting snow pack. A hard top-layer forms allows skiing anywhere, […]
The wolf tracks appeared as they always do, as a surprise. On a day between fall and winter, with the leaves fallen and browning but the ground not yet hard, I was walking with my dog and an a.m. radio. We were descending a four-wheeler trail on a hillside 20 miles from the nearest town, […]