WASHINGTON — U.S. President Donald Trump is defending his frequent 140-character messages on Twitter, saying it’s his way of reaching the public without his words being filtered through traditional news outlets. Trump claimed Tuesday on Twitter, his favorite social media link to the world, the “The FAKE MSM (mainstream media) is working so hard trying to […]
On Tuesday, President Trump took to Twitter and tweeted, “North Korea is looking for trouble,” concerning its nuclear weapons development program and asked China for assistance. He went on to say in a second tweet, that last week, he “explained to the President of China that a trade deal with the U.S. will be far […]
In a series of tweets Friday, President-elect Donald Trump promised a report on allegations of Russian hacking within 90 days. Citing Russian claims that they have no information, Trump accuses “sleazebag political operatives,” “political opponents,” and “Intelligence” of making up and releasing reports containing compromising information about him. It now turns out that the phony […]