Two NASA sounding rockets launched from Poker Flat Research Range north of Fairbanks early Tuesday morning in a mission aimed at learning more about how the aurora affects the upper atmosphere. The two rockets performed as expected, releasing tracer payloads widely visible across central and northern Alaska. Completion of the study awaits launch of a […]
The U.S. National Science Foundation has funded the first year of a new $53.8 million, four-year cooperative agreement with the University of Alaska Fairbanks to continue operating the research vessel Sikuliaq through the end of calendar year 2028. The global-class ice-capable research vessel, which is owned by NSF, has been operated by the UAF College of Fisheries […]
Pete Wilda, a Fairbanks reader of this column, wanted to know how the snow here can bend off railings and loop from power lines without breaking. He grew up in eastern Wisconsin and doesn’t remember the snow defying gravity there. Snow tilts and bends in Interior Alaska because there’s not much wind and because it’s […]
A four-person University of Alaska Fairbanks team plans to land an unmanned aircraft in the crater of an active Costa Rica volcano this week to sample gas escaping from the soil. The flight will occur as part of an international gathering to better understand the volcano’s plumbing system. The team will use two UAF drones, […]