Several times in the distant past, our home planet has been cleansed of its residents, with the exception of a few plucky survivors. Perhaps the best known and most spectacular extinction was that of the dinosaurs, caused when a meteorite six miles in diameter crashed into Earth about 65 million years ago. There was another […]
In a packed university conference room, biologist Randy Brown spoke of chinook, the fatty king of far-north salmon. “It’s more than just a fish, it’s a culture,” Brown said to the Fairbanks crowd, many of them Alaska Natives. Brown is the lead author on a paper in which he documented all the known Yukon River […]
“The status of Pacific cod is probably the biggest fishery issue facing Kodiak right now, with the quota cut 80 percent for 2018,” said Mike Litzow, a University of Alaska Fairbanks associate professor at the Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center. Pacific cod stocks have collapsed, possibly because recruitment (production of young fish to enter the […]
In the scientific world of high-tech research and data modeling, it’s easy for a scientist to get caught up in the details of science. However, University of Alaska Fairbanks research assistant professor Andrew Mahoney is on a team dedicated to taking a step back and thinking about science through a broader lens. The project, Ikaaġvik […]