The United State Coast Guard, the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, the city of Unalaska and Resolve Marine Services continue in their response to the 166-foot fishing vessel Akutan near Dutch Harbor coordinating removal of anhydrous ammonia and several other petroleum products from the boat in danger of sinking. Earlier in the month, the Akutan […]
RIVERSIDE, Calif. – Seismologists at the University of California, Riverside studying earthquakes in the seismically and volcanically active Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone have found that “slow earthquakes” are occurring continuously, and could encourage damaging earthquakes. Slow earthquakes are quiet, can be as large as magnitude 7, and last days to years. Taking place mainly at the […]
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A Coast Guard aircrew rescued two people from a helicopter that crashed near the Dutch Harbor Airport on Unalaska Island Friday afternoon. Watchstanders at the 17th Coast Guard District Command Center received a 406 megahertz personal locator beacon activation from a R22 Robinson helicopter. The beacon was plotted in a position approximately […]
An international team of scientists who searched out specimens from museums and remote Arctic islands has identified a rare new species of beaked whale that ranges from northern Japan across the Pacific Ocean to Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. Japanese whalers call the enigmatic black whales “karasu,” the Japanese word for raven. The new species is darker […]