This Day in Alaska History-December 11th, 1938

JUNEAU, Alaska – The Coast Guard and partner agencies responded to an overturned vessel near Chichagof Island, Tuesday evening, and recovered three survivors and located two deceased individuals. An MH-60 Jayhawk helicopter air crew from Air Station Sitka launched to respond arrived on scene at 5:15 p.m., and recovered the three people from the water at 5:50 […]
Crew members of U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Alex Haley (WMEC-39) rescue a disabled fishing vessel in the Bering Sea with eight people aboard, and tow them into safe waters near Adak, Alaska, Dec. 31, 2023. The fishing vessel, Aleutian No. 1, lost propulsion after a line became entangled in its propeller, and the crew […]
Beluga whales are highly social and vocal marine mammals. They use acoustics to navigate, find prey, avoid predators and maintain group cohesion. For Alaska’s critically endangered Cook Inlet beluga population, these crucial communications may compete with a cacophony of noise from human activities. New research from the University of Washington, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Alaska Fisheries […]