The Bureau of Land Management announced the new Resource Management Plan for the Eastern Interior Planning Area on Thursday, saying its plan is balanced to increase recreational access as well as ensuring access for mining and development in the area. BLM stated that they had met with stakeholders, that included the Chalkyitsik Village Council, […]
ASEA/AFSCME Local 52 filed a class-action grievance Tuesday against Governor Walker and his Administration on behalf of Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities construction design employees, whose duties will be privatized under Gov. Walker’s proposed FY2018 Operating Budget. In addition to cutting hundreds of positions to bridge Alaska’s fiscal gap, Governor Walker’s budget includes […]
It was announced by Governor Walker and Lt Governor Byron Mallott on Thursday, that they have selected the no-build alternative for the Juneau Access Improvement Project that would have built a 50-mile road extension to the yet-to-be built ferry terminal. The move frees up $38 million in state funds that were remaining for the project. […]
ANCHORAGE—Governor Bill Walker’s fiscal year 2018 (July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018) budget reduces state spending while supporting vital services and protecting the permanent fund dividend. The proposed $4.2 billion unrestricted general fund (UGF) operating budget is 23 percent lower than when Governor Walker took office two years ago. To lead by example, Governor […]