An historical agreement was signed on Tuesday by the Ahtna Intertribal Resource Commission and the U.S. Department of the Interior to create a cooperative management demonstration project formalizing a subsistence wildlife management partnership between the DOI and the AITRC regarding the allocation and harvest of moose and caribou on federal lands in the Ahtna region. The agreement […]
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Representatives Don Young (AK) and Debbie Dingell (MI) Thursday introduced the bipartisan Recovering America’s Wildlife Act of 2016 to help promote and enhance our nation’s conservation efforts and ensure the long-term health of fish and wildlife throughout the country. The legislation, based on a recommendation from a panel of conservation and business leaders, […]
Interior Alaska is a hungry place — lots of boreal forest and swampy wetlands with big, flat rivers winding through. Wildlife sightings, especially of big mammals, are rare. But a recent video posted by a seismologist makes the Tanana River flats look like the Serengeti. A motion-triggered game camera installed above buried instruments shows visits […]
(Statewide) — Alaskans stepping outside to enjoy the wonders of springtime are reminded that May and June mark the season of wildlife giving birth. Newborn moose calves, bear cubs and other wildlife young may be encountered nearly anywhere – including in backyards, city greenbelts, along popular trails – and despite initial appearances, protective mothers are […]