Will it be a “long and lustrous winter,” as Phil Connors, the main character in the 1993 movie Groundhog Day said? Or will spring make an early appearance? This morning in Gobbler’s Knob, Pennsylvania, the nation’s favorite groundhog, Punxsutawney Phil, attempted to answer that question. Phil saw his shadow — meaning six more weeks of winter, according […]
In late January 2025, meteorologists from the National Weather Service Prediction Center in College Park, Maryland, are predicting “dangerously cold temperatures and wind chill values for much of the South and eastern U.S.” During this time when peak cold often arrives in the Northern Hemisphere, Alaska today celebrates the king-of-the-cold’s birthday. Jan. 23, 2025, is […]
An early exit of Alaska’s spring snow means more acreage could burn during the coming wildfire season, which begins when the snow melts off, says new research from the University of Alaska Fairbanks “The most significant finding is that during many of the largest, most extreme fire seasons, we had early snowoff,” explained Peter Bieniek, […]
(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The Alaska Marine Highway System (AMHS) announces that the winter 2024/2025 schedule is now open for bookings. This year’s schedule has been designed to align with numerous special events in coastal communities, and to ensure service continuity similar to the reliability of last season. “We appreciate the public’s feedback on the winter […]