Cungaq; Cungasqaq – Blue Qapilaat cungartut. – The mussels are blue. In the Alutiiq language, the colors green and blue are not differentiated. A single term describes both colors, reflecting the fact that Alutiiqs traditionally interpreted blue as a shade of green. Despite the use of a single color term, recent research suggests that Alutiiq […]
Uksuq; Kiak (during Russian times)- Year Uksuq asillria. – The year was good. Russian New Year is one of the beloved holidays observed by Alutiiq families that practice Russian Orthodoxy. This celebration of renewal is held annually on January 14, which is New Years Day on the Julian calendar that tracks the Orthodox year. Around […]
Allanertaq – Guest; Stranger; Outsider Allenertakinga akgua’aq. – A stranger came to see me yesterday. Hosting guests was a sign of power and prosperity in Alutiiq communities. Each winter, as the sun sank below the horizon, wealthy families initiated festivals, inviting friends from their own community and neighboring villages to participate in feasting, dancing, singing, […]
Sua (literally, “Its person”); Anerneq (literally, “breath”) – Spirit Caqiq tamarmi suangq’rtuq. – Something all around has a spirit. The Alutiiq concept of a spirit is complex. Alutiiq people traditionally believe that everything in the universe—living things, objects, places, and natural phenomenon like the northern lights—has a spirit or essence. This essence is characterized by […]