Clothing–Atkut (N), Agunat (S), Aunat (S) Agunanek piliyuq. – She is making clothes. Sewing in classical Alutiiq society was often a social activity. Women enjoyed each other’s company as they produced clothing and covers for skin boats. Girls began participating at the age of six, making thread and braiding line. Some communities recognized a young […]
Berry–Alagnaq Pingaktaa’anka alagnat. – I like berries. Kodiak’s Alutiiq people harvest seventeen varieties of berries, which are used for food, medicine, and natural dyes. Salmonberries are collected in the largest quantities, although crowberries, lowbush cranberries, and early blueberries are other favorites. Berry picking begins in late June and continues well into the fall. People often […]
Spider – MiskiiRaq Ugnerkami miskiiRat amleritaartut. – In the spring there are many spiders. There are at least 350 species of spiders in Alaska, belonging to seventeen families. Spiders are not insects. They are close relatives of ticks and mites and belong to a group called arachnids. Insects have three body parts, six legs, and […]
Midwife– Paapuskaaq Cukaluten, paapuskaaq iwa’aru! Carliangqutartuq. – Hurry, get the midwife! She’s going to have a baby. Each Alutiiq community had at least one midwife, a healer versed in herbal medicines and the arts of bloodletting, surgery, and childbirth. Appointed by her community at a young age and apprenticed to an older midwife, this woman tended […]