Word in Alutiiq: Sisut In a sentence: Sisut piturnirtaartut kallagkwarluki. – Fish Eggs always taste good after you boil them. Fish eggs are an Alutiiq delicacy. Each spring people collected herring roe from coastal waters and in the summer they carefully removed the eggs from hundreds of salmon captured with nets. Roe was traditionally eaten […]
UGSUUTEQ (N), UGYUUTEQ (S) – COW PARSNIP UGYUUTET PITURNIRTAARTUT. – PUSHKI (COW PARSNIP) ALWAYS TASTES GOOD. Cow parsnip (Heracleum lanatum), known locally by its Russian name puchki, is an herbaceous plant that can grow up to eight feet tall. It has a fleshy stalk topped by large clusters of small white flowers. Cow parsnip thrives […]
Qetgauwartaasqaq—Frog / Toad Qetgauwartaasqat cungaruartut.—Frogs are green. The Alutiiq words for toad and frog are the same- qetgauwartaasqaq. This word literally means “thing always jumping.” Amphibians are rare in Alaska. The state’s naturally occurring herpetofauna includes just 6 species: two types of salamanders, one newt, two frogs, and one toad. Of these animals, only the […]
Qukami Qik’rtat—Barren Islands Qukami Qik’rtat carwartuu’utaartut.—The Barren Islands have strong rip tides. The Barren Islands are a mountainous cluster of islands at the far northern end of the Kodiak Archipelago. These six small pieces of land cover just 318 acres, and Include Ushagat, West Amatuli, East Amatuli, Nord, Sud, and Sugarloaf. The largest, Ushagat, […]