Sukunuuk – Daddy Long Legs Sukunuut guangkuta mik’tangraata aliktaapet! – We are always scared of daddy longlegs, even when they’re small! Daddy longlegs is a common term used to refer to a variety of spider-like creatures: bugs with exceptionally long, thin legs. Among this group are harvestmen, eight-legged arachnids with a two-sectioned body and just […]
Winarpak – Walrus Wiinarpat guut’gpagtuut. – Walrus have big teeth. Winarpk, the Alutiiq word for the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) translates as ‘big sea lion.’ This term that reflects the rarity of walrus in the Alutiiq homeland. Walruses are coastal resident of western Alaska, found along the shores of the Bering and Chukchi seas. […]
Cirniq – Chignik Cirnimen aglita. – Let’s go to Chignik. The salmon-rich Chignik region of the southern Alaska Peninsula is home to three Alutiiq communities, each named for the body of water it overlooks: Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, and Chignik Lake. Foot trails link these small villages, winding through a lush, rolling, treeless landscape that […]
Paumnaruaq; Naparuaqutaq – Horsetail Naparuaqutanek ikuutuq. – She found some horsetails. Horsetail (Equisetum spp.) is a small green herb that grows throughout the Pacific coast of Alaska. There are many different species of horsetail, some that thrive on land and others that prefer wet, marshy terrain. Some varieties have a thin stem and feathery branches […]