Naked — Matarngaluni Atkuinateng, nukallpiat agnguartaallriit, matarngaluteng. – Taking off their clothes, men used to always dance naked. Clothing is an ancient and uniquely human invention. No other species makes and wears clothes. Anthropologists believe that clothing evolved for both practical and social purposes, to protect the human body from weather and to share messages. […]
Raspberry, Nagonberry — Puyurniq April-rem puyurnit pingaktaarai. – April always likes raspberries. The American red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) is a recent introduction to Kodiak, brought to the island in the past century. This fast-growing, fruit-producing plant thrives in thickets, clearings, and along the edge of wooded areas. It is now a local favorite. Bushes can […]
Snipe — Kulic’kiiq Kulic’kiit miktut, kesiin piturnirtut. – Snipes are small but they taste good. The common snipe (Gallinago gallinago) is a shorebird found around Kodiak’s grassy coastal meadows, ponds, and fields during summer. This member of the sandpiper family breeds yearly across northern North America, then heads south to winter in warmer climates. A […]
Pineapple Weed, Wild Chamomile — ARam’aas’kaaq Una aRam’aas’kaaq caayuq piturnirtuq. – This chamomile tea tastes good. Pineapple weed (Matricaria matricarioides) is a widespread, low-growing herb with pale green, berrylike flowers and a fruity scent. It thrives in open fields and disturbed areas, and grows particularly well around human settlements. European settlers introduced Pineapple weed to […]