Devil’s Club — Cukilanarpak Cukilanarpat tak’ut. – The devil’s club are tall. Hikers in Alaska’s coastal forests are familiar with devil’s club, known by its appropriate Latin name Echinopanax horridum. This spiny member of the ginseng family can grow up to ten feet tall and flourishes in wet ravines under the spruce canopy. It has broad […]
Jumper — Aq’alaq Aq’alartut iluani. – There are jumpers inside (the seine). Jumping salmon are a conspicuous sign of summer around Kodiak. Scan the surface of the ocean in June and you will see pink salmon hurling themselves out of the water as they head for their spawning grounds. When this happens, you may hear […]
Grasses — Weg’et Weg’et kiagmi anglitaartut. – The grass grows tall in the summertime. More than sixty-five varieties of grasses grow in the Kodiak Archipelago, as well as many types of sedges and rushes. The most widely harvested grass is beach ryegrass (Elymus arenarius), a plant common across the northern hemisphere. This tall, sturdy grass […]