IOWA-After Herman Cain's exit from the public arena in the race to the presidency, the field has effectively been narrowed to two contenders. Barring any unforseens, the race will be between Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich. Attempts to gain traction in the race have so far proved unsuccessful for hopefuls Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann.
Gingrich, the only apparent Tea Party favorite left, has sought to downplay the small field of players, saying the other also-rans can make a comeback at any time. At a New York town hall meeting, he told supporters, “I’m not going to say that any of my friends can’t suddenly surprise us.” This could be true as Perry and Bachmann can make a play for Cain’s supporters at any time and are sure to be considering that option on the heels of Cain’s declaration of non-candidacy today.
Romney is playing it close to the belt as well. He has worked to avoid any direct confrontation with Gingrich, preferring to save his barbs for President Obama. It will be a show to see as the race heats up during the holiday season. With the election in Iowa a scant four weeks away, Republicans will be watching closely to see who gains Cain’s support as the race to the primaries continues.