San Bernadino police are actively searching for as many as three shooters that injured 20 people and killed a confirmed three during the incident at the Inland Regional Center at 1365 South Waterman Wednesday morning.
Officials believe that the three heavily armed and armored gunmen made their getaway in a black Sport Utility Vehicle. Police are actively searching for that vehicle.
The shooting scene is still active and a bomb disposal squad is on scene addressing what is believed to be an explosive device. Police report that the device, found inside the building, was detonated using a robot.
The gunmen entered the building 60 miles east of LA and opened fire as employees were taking part in a Christmas party there.
Reports are now focusing on a SWAT situation playing out in Pasedena, where operations connected to the shooting is currently taking place.
The Inland Regional Center is one of 21 facilities that address developmental disabilities such as autism and mental retardation. The center, and its 670 staff, provide services for as many as 30,000 people with disabilities in the Riverside and San Bernadino communities annually.
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tweeted after the incident, “I refuse to accept this as normal. We must take action to stop gun violence now.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]
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