Since July, the Alaska Native News has run a four-part series on Jim Cobb-retriever environmental efforts to gain attention for decades of work to improve oil spill response. The month of September, Alaska native news will be, on occasion, giving an update on Jim Cobb’s continued struggle to have industry and government sponsored, the contacts he has made thus far, and those contacted with no response as of printing the Alaska native news welcomes comments from industry, government, and others. Input on oil spills in the Arctic and elsewhere is a much discussed topic globally with multinational heating occurring regularly. On the Alaska native news will publish Mr. Cobb has contacted and the responses received.
I left out:
8/29/13. USA Today…Press Release via website
8/29/13. Canadian EPA…Email on website
8/29/13. Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency…Email on website
8/30/13. US Coast Guard 13th District…Email on website
Hey, Guys….
Here is the list of folks contacted….
* Means response received
() Website contacts not up to date…Misinformation
7/23/13 Jenn Allen, Earth Justice * Response still pending
8/06/13 Jack Gallagher, Maritime Division Counsel, The Company of Master Mariners
8/09/13 Joyce Reid, Senior Compliance Analyst, Lloyd’s of London (retired)
8/09/13 Anthony Joseph, Regional Director, Lloyd’s of London (retired)
8/21/13 Hazel Adams, Senior Underwriter, Agr. Allianz, Ca
8/21/13 Matthew Lewis, VP Marine Manager, CNA
8/21/13 Denis Deicont, SVP, Chief of Underwriting, CNA
8/21/13 Serverio Pacini, VP, CNA
8/21/13 Jeff Damberger,VP, Zurich Insurance (no longer there)
8/21/13 Kristen Otttawa-Ilnycky, Senior Underwriter, Zurich Insurance
8/21/13 Adam Dobko, Senior Underwriter, Ace Group Insurance
8/21/13 Steven Horton, Senior Underwriter, Creechurch International Underwriters
8/26/13 Greg Ellis, Specialist Oil & Gas, Zurich Insurance
8/26/13 Kevin Doyle, Special Oil & Gas, Zurich Insurance (retired)
8/26/13 Greenpeace, Zach *Refusal…Relates to private industry
8/28/13 Kevin McCarty, Insurance Commissioner, Florida *Forwarding issue on to The Insurance Information Institute
8/28/13 Thomas B.Leonardi, Commissioner of Insurance, Connecticut
8/28/13 Jim Donelon, Insurance Commissioner, National NAIC
8/28/13 Jeff Atwater, CFO, Florida Department of Financial Services
8/28/13 Bret Kolb, Director of Insurance, State of Alaska
8/28/13 Mike Kreidler, Insurance Commissioner, Washington State
8/28/13 William Mowitt/Mark Begish, Alaskakn Senator (inoperative link from website)
8/28/13 Chester Carson, Energy Specialist for Lisa Murkowski, Alaskan Senator (three links for her were inoperative from her websites)
8/28/13 Lisa Murkowski, Alaskan Senator…Public email on website after four failures with bad addresses from other websites
8/28/13 Lindy Theis, Finance Manager, Alaska Cleans Seas (forwarded letter to four top executives)…*One called blustering
8/29/13 John Farrow, Executive Director, US Arctic Research
8/29/13 Fran Ulmer, Chair, US Arctic Reseach * Patronizing rah, rah
8/29/13 Chadux…Website public email contact
8/29/13 Mark Wagner, District Response Advisory Team Supervisor, US Coast Guard
8/29/13 Chris Burns, Preparedness Manager, Chadux
8/29/13 David Moore, Chief Oil Spill Response, Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement
8/29/13 Christy Bohl, Bureau of Safety & Environmental Enforcement
8/29/13 Kelly Eningowuk, Executive Director, ICC-AK
8/29/13 Leigh-Ann Hurt, UNEP, UN Environmental Program
8/29/13 Environment Canada …Wesite public email contact
8/29/13 Tim Bradner, Editor, Alaskan Journal
8/29/13 Molly Discher, Reporter, Alaskan Journal
8/29/13 Elwood Behmer, Reporter, Alaskan Journal
8/29/13 The Guardian…Website public email
8/29/13 The Observer, UK….Website public email
8/30/13 Arctic Imperative…Website public email
8/31/13 Marty Cobenais, Pipeline & Heavy Haul Resistance Organizer, Indigenous Environmental Network
8/31/13 Tom Goldtooth, Executive Director, Indigenous Environmental Network
8/31/13 Alaska Shell….Website public email