Track Palin Arrested on Burglary, Assault and Criminal Mischief Charges after Beating Father

The son of Alaska’s former governor, Sarah Palin, was back in court on Sunday for arraignment on following his arrest on Saturday on charges of Burglary I, Assault IV and Criminal Mischief charges following a possible  Domestic Violence incident in Wasilla.

Details emerging concerning Track’s latest  encounter with the law say that on Saturday evening, Sarah Palin called in to Wasilla police to report that her oldest son was on some type of medication and acting erratically. 

According to the report, Track had gone to his parent’s home to pick up a truck, but was turned away by his father, Todd, who came to the door armed. But, Track broke out a  window and gained entrance into the home. Once inside, Track attacked his father, put him to the ground and began beating him about the head, causing injuries to his face and head.

This second incident follows a first one less than two years ago, when Palin was arrested following an DV altercation at the Palin home in January of 2016.

During that case, Palin was charged with Assault for punching his girlfriend on the side of her head. Charges of Misconduct Involving Weapons when he threatened to shoot himself with an AR-15 while drinking. He was also charged with Interfering with a Domestic Violence report for taking her cell phone away. The Interfering and Assault charges would later be dismissed by the prosecution.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]Palin was arraigned on Sunday morning at the Palmer courthouse.

ASs of this morning, Track is still in custody with his bail set at $5,000 and a CATP.

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