Trapper Killsmany Target of Civil Lawsuit over Spurious Lien Filings

Former Manley Hot Springs man and alleged member of the Sovereign Citizen movement, Trapper Killsmany, who has placed liens on several State and Federal employees, judges, state troopers, various members of his family, as well as the Alaska Native News is now himself the target of a civil lawsuit according to the U.S. Attorney’s office.

An injunction was filed to stop Killsmany from filing these spurious liens against government employees at the Social Security office that Killsmany filed liens against in his effort to destroy their credit for wrongs that he felt they did against him.

Killsmany, formerly David Goldsmith, also filed a $350 million lien against the Alaska Native News and its temp news staffer Marty Schlotter, who worked for a short time with the publication in 2012.

The filing came as a result of an article written about Trapper Killsmany that appeared in the Alaska Native News on August 10th of 2012 when troopers contacted Killsmany at his residence in Manley. That article can be read here. Killsmany later questioned the validity of the reporting and filed the lien against the Alaska Native News.

It was earlier this year that the lien was filed against ANN by Killsmany in Homer according to his Facebook postings. In June of this year, he wrote of ANN when notifying of the lien filing on the social media, “Now might be a very good time to find yourself a decent, honest, upright, honourable job – instead of the thoroughly despicable, dishonest, and downright FRAUDULENT one you currently get away with.”

See also  This Day in Alaska History-January 15th, 1959

Court filings by Byron Wilson informed the court that the targettted individuals did not owe Killsmany and had no “other obligation, of any nature,” and that ““Killsmany has undertaken a course of conduct whereby he has filed false and fraudulent financing documents with the state” and that those documents were “designed to harass, intimidate, annoy, punish and retaliate.”

While Killsmany lists his address as Prescott, Arizona, all correspondence has a postal return of West Virginia.

Filing spurious liens against individuals can be done for as little as $20 in the state of Alaska and the validity of the liens are not checked by the recording office. Although not all liens were accepted by the recording office, the lien against the Alaska Native News was one of the ones that were.

While the U.S. Attorney’s office is currently taking Killsmany to civil court for an injunction against filing against federal employees, that office has said that the state must file similar paperwork for an injunction against Killsmany’s filings against state employees.

While the filings are spurious, and considered “nuisance liens,” ANN is actively contesting the lien filed by Killsmany in order to preserve its good credit.