WASHINGTON D.C.-The Transportation Security Administration has alerted airlines of the possibility of implanted explosives in passengers outside of the U.S. They have warned of the possibility terrorist using surgical means to hide bombs that would be undetectable to the standard screening protocol in place now.
Even though TSA did not give any indication of an immediate threat, this new alert may mean further screening procedures coming in the near future. TSA said that the threat would come mainly from overseas on flights to the U.S. even so, they are ordering precautions on in-country flights as well. Even though the idea of surgically implanted bombs has come up in the past, TSA says new information makes this a credible threat.
Transportation Security Administration’s press secretary said in a statement, that the warnings were an effort “to provide greater insights into recent intelligence indicating the continued interest of terrorists to target aviation.” He further pointed out that terrorist groups have repeatedly indicated interest in further concealment to thwart current screening techniques.
In a letter to Britain’s transportation department, TSA stated that the U.S. government “has information indicating doctors have offered to help extremists surgically implant explosive devices in humans and animals for terrorist attacks.”
U.S. security officials have sent the message abroad to security counterparts there that, “The Department of Homeland Security has identified a potential threat from terrorists who may be considering surgically implanting explosives or explosive components in humans to conduct terrorist attacks.”