Two Arrested after Brief Stolen Car Chase on Fairbanks Street

Two people were arrested on warrants and charges in a stolen vehicle investigation that was initiated on Wednesday morning according to information released by the Anchorage Police Department on Thursday.

The stolen vehicle report was filed at 9:18 am on Wednesday after the victim’s vehicle, a 1993 Honda Accord, was taken from in front of a residence on the 3700-block of Richmond Avenue.

The day wore on and about  12 hours later, at 9:01 pm APD officers on patrol located the stolen vehicle parked in the Black Angus parking lot at the corner of 15th and Gambell. The vehicle was occupied and officers began positioning their vehicles to block the vehicle in to prevent its escape. But, before they could do so, the vehicle backed up and drove off at high speed.

As the vehicle escaped, the police did not initially pursue. But, as the vehicle drove away down Fairbanks Street towards the Carrs supermarket the driver slammed into a gray Chevy then plowed over a street sign at the intersection at 13th and Fairbanks. Police re-engaged as the stolen vehicle and its driver and passenger continued down Fairbanks Street to the intersection at 12th Street. At that location, the vehicle ran over another sign before crashing into a light pole.

After the crash, both the driver, later identified as 23-year-old Derreck M. Muasau, and the passenger, later identified as 23-year-old Lacey A. Strassburg, bailed from the vehicle and fled on foot. Muasau made it approximately 30 feet before coming to a stop when one of the officers issued a taser warning.

Strassburg continued to flee despite warnings. As she fled, she ran into traffic on two occasions. Officers continued to issue multiple commands before taking her to ground with a taser.

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Muasau “was arrested and charged with Vehicle Theft I, Theft II, Fail to Stop, Leaving the Scene of an Injury Accident, two counts of Leaving the Scene of an Accident Involving Property, Assault II, Assault III, Reckless Driving, and Reckless Endangerment,” APD reported. APD continued saying that Strassburg “was remanded at the Anchorage Jail on two existing warrants and was further charged with Criminal Mischief V and Resisting Arrest.”