Following an anonymous tip received at 7:31 pm on Sunday, troopers responded to a Sutton residence and contacted two men there. As a result of the tip, the two men were arrested on warrants, troopers report.
Troopers contact 53-year-old Doward Cribb and Reececharles R. Freeman, both of Sutton, at an address on Kings River Drive.
A warrant in Cribbs name resulted in him being arrested on an outstanding warrant for Assault IV.
Freeman’s warrant was for Parole Violations on the original charges of Sexual Abuse of a Minor I x2, and Sexual Abuse of a Minor II x7, the trooper dispatch reported.
Freeman was the subject of a court case where he was charged with two counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor I(Class A Felony) and 10 counts of Sexual Abuse of a Minor II (Class B Felony) in 2006, for incidents in that year and the year previous. In a June 2006 plea deal, Freeman pled “No Contest” to one count of Attempted Sexual Abuse of a Minor I, and as a result, the other 11 cases were dismissed by prosecutors.
But, Freeman’s case was re-opened in June of this year and a Petition to Revoke Probation was filed at that time, and a $5,000 +TPCAC warrant was issued for his arrest.
On Sunday, Cribb and Freeman were transported to Palmer, where they were remanded to the Mat-Su Pretrial Facility. Cribb was held without bail and Freeman was held on the $5,000 warrant.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]
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