Under the Influence Driver Arrested after Causing Crash on the Glenn Highway Wednesday

Multiple calls began streaming in to the Anchorage police on Wednesday night reporting two different vehicles in the ditch along the Glenn Highway near the Fort Rich exit.

Then at 9:31 pm, another call was fielded, this time from a woman reporting that she had been hit by another vehicle causing her to crash into the ditch.

APD responded and soon located a white 2015 Nissan Ultima off the road on the outbound lane side of the highway. As they got out of their patrol vehicles, the officers were approached by separate concerned motorists who had also stopped at the scene. Those motorists all reported that “the Nissan’s driver did not appear to be behaving normally'” APD stated.

Patrol officers approached the Nissan to make contact with the driver. They requested the driver roll down his window, who had difficulty doing so. When the driver, now identified as 21-year-old Mykell D.P. White, finally managed to roll his window down, the smell of alcohol emanated from the vehicle, according to the officers. The officers also saw other signs of impairment and so elected to administer Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. After failing the tests, White was taken into custody and charged with operating under the influence.

Meanwhile, another officer located the second vehicle, a red 2003 Saturn, a distance away along the highway in the ditch. That officer made contact with the driver who said that she was traveling in the far right lane of the highway when White passed her at “a high rate of speed.” When White was passing the Saturn, he side-swiped the vehicle causing it to leave the roadway and crash into the ditch. No injuries were reported.

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After White was transported to the Anchorage Jail for additional processing, a  breathalyzer was administered that registered a blood/alcohol content of well over two times the limit.

In addition to the OUI charge, White was also charged with Leaving the Scene of an Accident.