Wasilla Teen Perishes in Canoeing Accident on Finger Lake Friday

Finger Lake in Wasilla. image-Google Maps
Finger Lake in Wasilla. image-Google Maps

One Wasilla teen perished in a boating accident on Finger Lake early Friday morning troopers reported on the trooper dispatch on Friday.

According to the report, troopers were alerted at 1:49 am by a caller reporting that they heard “a male screaming for help on one of the islands in Finger Lake.” The call spurred a  response to the lake situated north of the East Palmer-Wasilla Highway.

When they arrived on the scene, they learned that a canoe had capsized with two people aboard. They found that one of the individuals, a male, made it to an island on the lake, but the other, identified as 19-year-old Bryce Adams, did not.

A hasty search was carried out. Mat-Su Borough EMS Water Rescue Unit also responded and carried out a search, but Adams was not located.

At 6:18 am this morning, the body of Adams was recovered from the water. His next of kin were on hand when the discovery was made.

Troopers say that alcohol appeared to be a factor in the unfortunate incident. Neither boater was wearing a life jacket.

The investigation is continuing.