Alaska Wildlife Troopers cited a homeowner on Saturday following an investigation of an aggressive moose shooting in the Settler’s Bay subdivision in Wasilla that took place in March.
Alaska Wildlife troopers responded to the subdivision on March 27 following “a report of an aggressive moose that had been shot,” troopers reported. When conducting an initially investigation at the scene, troopers interviewed witnesses and investigated moose track evidence and determined that “the moose had acted aggressively and was charging a person when it was shot.”
Later, troopers would receive additional information from homeowners in the area that other homeowners “had been feeding several moose in the weeks leading up to the shooting,” it was reported. Troopers would later also view a Facebook video showing a moose sow and calf being fed by the homeowner at the same residence that the Defense of Life and Property shooting had occurred in March.
Following that additional evidence, on Saturday, 53-year-old Wasilla resident Mary Beall, was cited for unlawfully feeding game and her bail was set at $310.
Troopers stated on the trooper dispatch, “It is unknown if the moose that was fed was the same moose that was later killed for being aggressive.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]