Beginning Thursday, nearly 500 student athletes from over 100 communities across Alaska will gather at the Alaska Airlines Center in Anchorage for the 47th Annual NYO Games Alaska. Running April 27–29, the 2017 Games will host student athletes from across the state who will demonstrate their strength, agility and skill in traditional Alaska Native contests, including the One-Foot High Kick, Wrist Carry and Seal Hop, among others.
NYO celebrates Alaska’s rich diversity and is open to students of all cultures. The Games foster values such as teamwork, leadership and cross-cultural respect and test endurance by requiring balance of mind and body. NYO’s 10 competitive events are influenced by the skills and abilities originally involved with subsistence activities passed along for generations.
“The NYO Games showcase amazing athletic abilities while emphasizing traditional values like cooperation, interdependence and hard work—values rooted in the history of these Games,” said Gloria O’Neill, President and CEO of Cook Inlet Tribal Council (CITC). “NYO athletes carry these values forward and share them across cultures in an atmosphere that’s both highly competitive and highly collaborative.”
Event highlights include Opening Ceremonies, the 7th Annual Pilot Bread Recipe Contest and the 2017 Opportunities Expo, plus “Honoring Our Youth” days on Friday and Saturday.
Individual results for the 2017 Games will be available daily through CITC’s website and social media sites.
Visit citci.org/nyo-games for additional information.
Who: Nearly 500 student athletes in grades 7–12 from schools throughout Alaska
What: 47th Annual NYO Games Alaska featuring 10 competitive events, a variety of cultural activities, the Pilot Bread recipe contest and the 2017 Opportunities Expo
Kickoff: Opening Ceremonies begin Thursday, April 27 at 1 p.m., and include the Grand Entry of Teams, Kingikmiut Dancers, National Anthem and guest speakers
Special performance: Byron Nicholai, “I Sing. You Dance.” Friday, 3 p.m.
Where: Alaska Airlines Center, UAA campus, 3550 Providence Dr., Anchorage
When: Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 27–29
Admission: FREE admission and parking
Follow the event: Streamed live at bssd.org
Social media: Facebook; Twitter: @CITCAlaska; #NYOGames and #NYO2017; Instagram: CITCAlaska
2017 Schedule of Events
2017 Results
Why NYO Matters
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