Troopers revealed on Thursday, that 31-year-old Joshua Miles Makkar, of Fairbanks, was arraigned in Fairbanks District Court on one count of attempted Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance IV in connection with a June 2015 investigation involving anabolic steroids shipped to Alaska from China.
It was in June, that U.S. Customs and California seized a package containing 1200 anabolic steroid tablets and 11 vials of liquid testosterone. The package was allowed to continue on its way to Alaska, where it was once again intercepted by the Fairbanks Statewide Drug Unit, and search warrants were obtained, and the drugs seized.
Makkar was contacted, and he admitted to investigators that he had ordered the steroids from China and was going to use those for a bodybuilding show scheduled for October of 2015. Makkar also told investigators that he had previously ordered steroids in February and April of that year.
Troopers estimate the street value of seized steroids to be approximately $65,000.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]