Washington, D.C. – Alaska Congressman Don Young on Thursday released the following statement after this week’s House-passage of 14 bills aimed at assisting our nation’s veterans and ensuring they receive the care and commitment they earned through service to our nation.
“As we prepare to celebrate Veterans Day – a day to honor the service and sacrifice of our men and women in uniform – the House has committed to moving forward on numerous pieces of legislation on behalf of our nation’s veterans,” said Congressman Don Young. “This week the House passed 14 veterans-related bills across a wide spectrum of issue – from improving veterans health care to streamlining educational benefits and protecting veterans’ finances. These bills work to uphold Congress’ commitment and fulfill the promises this nation made to our veterans. On the 11th day of the 11th month, let us remember the remarkable men and women who have served this nation and fought to defend our many freedoms. We owe them a great deal of gratitude for the gift of freedom they have bestowed upon each and every one of us.”
The House-passed veterans measures include:
- H.R. 1133, the Veterans Transplant Coverage Act, to authorize VA to provide all care and services needed for a veteran to receive an organ transplant from a live donor, regardless of whether the donor is eligible for VA health care or whether the health care facility is part of the VA. Click here for more information. (Congressman Don Young is a cosponsor)
- H.R. 2601, the Veterans Increased Choice for Transplanted Organs and Recovery (VICTOR) Act, would enable veterans who aren’t able to access care at a VA transplant center to seek care at a community transplant facility. Click here for more information. (Congressman Don Young is a cosponsor)
- H.R. 3705, the Veterans Fair Debt Notice Act, to instruct the VA to use plain language in its debt notices to provide a clear explanation of why VA is alleging that the veteran owes such a debt. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 4173, the Veterans Crisis Line Study Act of 2017, to require the VA to conduct a study on the outcomes and efficacy of the Veterans Crisis Line based on an analysis of national suicide data and data collected from the VCL. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 918, the Veteran Urgent Access to Mental Healthcare Act, to require VA to provide an initial mental health assessment and any subsequent mental health services required to meet urgent mental health care needs to former service members who would otherwise be ineligible for such services because they were discharged from military service under OTH conditions. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 1900, National Veterans Memorial and Museum Act, to designate the Veterans Memorial and Museum in Columbus, Ohio, as the National Veterans Memorial and Museum.
- H.R. 2123, the Veterans E-Health and Telemedicine Support Act (VETS) Act of 2017, gives the VA Secretary the legislative authority to allow VA providers to practice telemedicine across state lines. Click here for more information.
- HR 3634, the Securing Electronic Records for Veterans Ease (SERVE) Act of 2017, to make BAH documentation available online to all veterans, which would help confirm a veteran’s monthly housing stipend and simplify their home or apartment rental process. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 3949, the Veteran Apprenticeship and Labor Opportunity Reform (VALOR) Act, to simplify an approval process by allowing companies to register their apprenticeship programs with one central approval agency. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 3122, the Veterans Care Financial Protection Act of 2017, directs the VA to work with federal agencies and states to develop and implement standards that protect individuals who are eligible for this increased pension from dishonest, predatory or otherwise unlawful practices. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 3562, legislation that would give VA-designated appraisers the ability to rely solely on information from approved third parties, such as a desktop appraisal, when determining a home’s value for a VA home loan. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 3656, legislation that would provide a headstone or marker for all eligible non-veterans who die on or after November 11, 1998. Click here for more information.
- H.R. 3657, legislation that would authorize VA to provide headstones and markers to eligible spouses and dependents who are buried or interred at tribal veterans cemeteries. Click here for more information.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]