(JUNEAU, Alaska) – The M/V Tazlina arrived at Juneau’s Auke Bay Terminal on Feb. 29, 2020, and the crew is preparing for its return to service on Thursday, Mar 5. The vessel will provide regular scheduled service from Juneau to Angoon, Hoonah, Haines, and Skagway.
The Tazlina was at Vigor Marine’s Ketchikan shipyard since mid-January where the vessel received required warranty work and annual inspections for certifications.
This week, the Tazlina’s crew will take her out for required United States Coast Guard certificate of inspection drills. These drills include firefighting and abandon ship operations, along with launching and retrieving Tazlina’s rescue boats. The crew will load Tazlina with fuel and stores and prepare for the ship’s return to revenue service.
The initial trips on Tazlina’s schedule are as follows:
Juneau – Angoon round trips:
Mar. 5 and 7
Juneau – Hoonah round trips:
Mar. 12 and 14
Juneau – Haines/Skagway round trips:
Mar. 6, 8, 13, and 15
The sailing calendar is available at https://bit.ly/2If5tjd. Reservations can be made online at http://FerryAlaska.com, by calling 800-642-0066, or by visiting ferry terminal staff throughout the system.
The M/V Matanuska is expected to depart Juneau for Vigor Marine’s Ketchikan shipyard as soon as weather permits, sometime after Friday, Mar. 6. The Alaska Marine Highway System and Vigor are working together to return the Matanuska to service as quickly as possible.
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