This Day in Alaska History-January 24th, 1963

NOAA Fisheries releases their annual Ecosystem Status Reports including a new report card for the northern Bering Sea which shares some promising news about sea ice conditions The Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Island waters were on the warm side for a good part of the year. In fact, winter sea surface temperatures in 2023–2024 […]
Alaska Sea Grant, together with the University of Alaska Fairbanks and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Marine Debris Program, is pleased to announce seven recommended marine debris removal projects under the 2024 Community Marine Debris Removal Grant Program. These projects represent a $1.2 million investment in marine debris removal, funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. […]
The National Science Foundation has awarded $20 million to the University of Alaska to investigate climate change effects on culturally and commercially important marine species in the Gulf of Alaska. Interface of Change is the sixth five-year, multimillion dollar project directed by the Alaska Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, a statewide program administered at the University […]